Service Point for Found Foreign Documents

Numerous foreign documents are found in Germany each year. The Service Point receives passports, ID cards, driving licenses, student cards and all other kinds of documents and returns them to their holders in Germany via the competent foreigners authority or a diplomatic representation of the country of origin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which documents are sent to the Federal Office of Administration?

As the central service agency, the Service Point for Found Foreign Documents processes all found foreign documents sent by public bodies in Germany. Documents which can be directly assigned to their holders (e.g. documents of foreigners registered in Germany) or to an asylum applicant do not need to be sent to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA).

What happens with the documents at the BVA?

Where possible, the Service Point returns them immediately to their owners, usually via the competent foreigners authority or the respective foreign embassy. Documents which can be clearly attributed to an asylum applicant are forwarded to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

What happens with documents which cannot be attributed to an individual?

As a rule, these documents have to be sent to the foreign mission of the country that issued them.


Service Point for Found Foreign Documents

Federal Office of Administration
50728 Köln

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Published 28 March 2024