Educational loan (BAföG and Bildungskredit)

The most ex­ten­sive task in this field is man­ag­ing loans pur­suant to the Fed­er­al Train­ing As­sis­tance Act (BAföG).
The training assistance offices grant the promotion each half as subsidy and loan. First repayments have to be made five years after the end of the maximum grant period. We manage this settlement paperless and collect the loans, so that the funds can ben­e­fit the next gen­er­a­tion of stu­dents.
You want to know more about the repayment? Please change to the German-speaking site.

Train­ing loans (‘Bil­dungskred­it’) are man­aged on­line, too. The Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment set up this pro­gramme in or­der to al­low pupils and stu­dents in ad­vanced stages to com­plete their train­ing or stud­ies. We check your loan application and closely co-operate with KfW Bankengruppe, who disburses the loan and manages the regular repayment.

You want to apply for a training loan or need further information? Please change to the German-speaking site.

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Published 28 March 2024